Hi everyone! Happy Thursday again! I guess I should just change my menu planning day to Thursday, since I seem to be posting on Thursdays instead of Mondays pretty consistently throughout the summer. Ha!
We have 26 more days until school starts. I'm not looking forward to summer being over. We had family come visit this last week and it was so fun to have them stay with us and be able to act like we're on vacation with them. We spent lots of time at the river, at the pool, finding waterfalls, eating good food and just enjoying their company. I love living in the Pacific Northwest. There are so many amazing things to see, mostly two hours away from our home. The above picture is taken from Punchbowl Falls in Oregon.
I'm excited that we get to have another round of family come tomorrow. I really love having family come visit us! I've got menus planned out and need to hit the store before they arrive. I have a few extra menus planned for next week that I will shop for since it's nice to have options.
All righty...here's our menu for this week, even though it's halfway over.
Monday; we had honey garlic chicken, angel hair pasta, fresh whole wheat bread and garden veggies
Tuesday: easy night
Wednesday: grilled teriyaki salmon, quinoa and rice, garden salad
Thursday: taco soup
Friday: pulled pork sandwiches on toasted pretzel buns topped with coleslaw
Saturday: grilled Greek chicken, grilled veggies and rosemary/garlic grilled flatbread
Sunday: roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, one hour rolls
What's on your menu for this weekend? Or what did you eat this week? When does your summer end (kids back in school)? Feel free to share. I love it when you do!
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