My name is Jenny and welcome to my blog!
I'm a wife, mother to four sweet kids, and attempting to do all the things that come with those two jobs. I try to be a menu planner, recipe saver, soccer mom, organizer, home project improver, and much more. Notice that I said "try."
I like to bake, run, watch my kids play sports, read and eat all things peanut butter. I'm a Mormon and try to keep my faith growing. I play the piano, organ and at one time in my life, the oboe. I love blogging and feel like it helps me stay sane.
I started my blog in 2008 posting my weekly menu at the start of each week. I've gradually added most of our favorite tried and true recipes. I blog about my favorite books, random thoughts, things I love, handy mom tips, and whatever else I feel like blogging about.
Every week or so I post a Bits and Pieces post, where I share things I've been enjoying or things we've been doing as a family.
Once in a while I feel crafty. I'm not a perfectionist or an expert sewer, so if I can make something cute anyone can. You can find some of my crafty projects here.

I'm a wife, mother to four sweet kids, and attempting to do all the things that come with those two jobs. I try to be a menu planner, recipe saver, soccer mom, organizer, home project improver, and much more. Notice that I said "try."
I like to bake, run, watch my kids play sports, read and eat all things peanut butter. I'm a Mormon and try to keep my faith growing. I play the piano, organ and at one time in my life, the oboe. I love blogging and feel like it helps me stay sane.
I started my blog in 2008 posting my weekly menu at the start of each week. I've gradually added most of our favorite tried and true recipes. I blog about my favorite books, random thoughts, things I love, handy mom tips, and whatever else I feel like blogging about.
Every week or so I post a Bits and Pieces post, where I share things I've been enjoying or things we've been doing as a family.
Once in a while I feel crafty. I'm not a perfectionist or an expert sewer, so if I can make something cute anyone can. You can find some of my crafty projects here.
I'm lucky to be a stay-at-home mom. I've found that if I don't have dinner ready before the kids get home from school, dinner might not happen. Preparation is the key to having everything run smoothly. I'm working on this.
I'm a huge fan of menu planning. This doesn't mean I actually follow my menu every week. More often that not, we end up having breakfast for dinner or sandwiches on a crazy night with soccer practice, homework, etc. Having a plan sure helps though.
At the first of each week, I post my menus for the week and invite you to post your menus in the comment section.
I have a running list that I update often of our family's favorite dinner ideas. I use this to plan my menus each week.
I keep another running list of my top, family favorite, best recipes. These are company worthy recipes that I make over and over again.
Thanks for visiting my little corner of the internet.