Hi everyone! Can you believe that it's May? I am sure you are all right there with me in the middle of baseball/soccer craziness, end of year activities, birthdays, etc., etc. I have been trying to make really great to-do lists, but they keep getting longer and longer.
I have been feeling the great need to simplify what I can. This little story keeps coming to my mind that I heard in a talk last year about a lady that stayed up all night making a quilt to hang as a backdrop for a lesson she had to teach a lesson at church. In the middle of the quilt, she stitched the words "Simplify" since that's what her lesson was about.

I keep thinking of this and trying to make sure that I'm not making things more complicated than they need to be. I am trying to put my priorities straight. Too often in the last few weeks we have come home late from baseball games and scrambled for dinner because I didn't get it made earlier in the day. I know my family appreciates sitting down together, even if it's at 7:30 at night and eating a meal together.
Last week my family mentioned that my carefully planned menu that I have sitting by my sink looks great, but too bad we didn't actually eat all that I had planned.
So, this week my priorites are: having dinner prepped, baseball clothes washed (so no one has to wear a wet shirt to their game), my time free after school to help with homework and snack before we head out the door and taking time to listen to the kids and help them focus on using their time wisely.
I'm trying to instill in my kids to have some family pride when we go support each other in various activities. Cheering each other on instead of being tempted to complain that they're missing out on doing something else.
Anyway...I have lots that I'd love to share with you, but I should probably shower and finish the dishes instead of spending more time on the computer. Check out instagram to see some of the yummy food that I've made the last few days for birthdays, etc.
Menu time:
Monday: we had ham fried rice
Tuesday: Swedish meatballs (I'm making extra to take to a church activity for ladies to sample after I teach how to make them)
Wednesday: sweet potato BBQ chicken nachos
Thursday: tacos (happy cinco de mayo!) and a giant bottle of my favorite salsa
Friday: fried potatoes, chicken sausage and peppers (take to the baseball field)
Satirday: easy night
Sunday: perfect pot roast, mashed potatoes, etc.
How about you? What are you making this week? What are your priorities when life gets super crazy busy? How do you simplify?
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