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LIfe Changing Magic of Tidying Up

***Don't forget to enter my giveaway for your choice of 6 white porcelain ramekins or a copy of 400 Calories or Less by Our Best Bites.  You can have 4 entries, but be sure to enter by Monday, March 7, 2016 by midnight PST!***

I'm a little bit obsessed with it since I read it last week.  I've been feeling like we have SO much STUFF in my house.  The rooms aren't cluttered with furniture, but the closets, cupboards and drawers and holding so much stuff that we don't need.  And I get tired of walking around and picking up stuff all day.  

I was talking to a friend who loves simplification and being minimalistic and she told me about this book.  So I read it.  Then a one day last week I started the process that she talks about in the book.  I put all my clothes in one place and went through them one by one and decided if the clothing brought me joy.  If it did, then I put it back in my closet or dresser.  If it didn't bring me joy, then I either threw it away or put it in a donate bag.  I ended up with three garbage bags of clothing that don't bring me joy.  And I feel SO much better having them out of my life.  No regrets at all.
I can't wait to go through my whole house using what I learned from the book.  It's such a great feeling to be free of so much stuff.  Aah, I love it!  It's made me think about the things that I have in a different way.

And, I love her method for folding clothes in drawers.  Instead of smashing them all on top of each other in a pile, stack them vertically.  So smart!  

Have you read it?  If so, did you "tidy up" your house?  I think everyone should read this book.  I'm having my 11 year old daughter read some of it.  :)

P.S.  I didn't actually thank my clothes for bringing me joy individually.  Some of the ideas are a little extreme for me, but overall it's a great method to use!  

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