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Week 78 Menu and Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!  Look at these cute bunny tail (or bunny head) rolls that we with our Easter dinner.  They were fun to make and fun to eat.  I found the recipe here.  

This week has been a fun one:  Spring Break for the kiddos, my hubby took the week off from work and my in-laws were in town.  I've spent a lot of time in the kitchen whipping up lots of food.  It's nice having someone to entertain the kids while I cook.  But alas, that will end tomorrow and we're back to normal life again, except that soccer starts tomorrow, so our days will be even busier.  And honestly, I don't really feel like cooking anything anytime soon, so we'll see what this week brings.

Here's my menu for this week:

Monday:  chicken cordon bleu w/rice

Tuesday:  PW's BBQ meatballs w/mashed potatoes

Wednesday:  spaghetti

Thursday: breakfast for dinner

Friday: 6 year old birthday girl dinner, so TBD

Saturday: chicken quinoa stew (maybe I'll actually make it this week)

Sunday:  grilled chicken (finally got some propane for the grill and the snow is melted in the backyard, so let the grilling begin!)

Well, that's what's on my menu this week, so now it's your turn to share.  What's on your menu this week?  Check back later this week for some more yummy recipes.  Have a good week and happy Easter!

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