Hi friends! For those of you on facebook, I'm sure you've seen lots of your friends posting a list of things about themselves. If you "like" their post, then they give you a number and you have to post that many things about yourself. I've enjoyed reading more about my friends, but haven't "liked" a post.
This reminds me of the tagging craze of my early blogging days in 2008 and 2009.
Instead of posting things about myself on facebook, I thought I'd share with you lovely readers a few random things about myself.
So, here you go...10 things you may (or may not) know about Jenny.
1. I don't like raspberries, cherries, hardboiled eggs, or shrimp. That's why you won't find any recipes with these ingredients in it on my blog (except for raspberry freezer jam that I make for the boys in my family. They have been known to lick it off of the knife.)
2. I love avocados, chocolate, and peanut butter (not all three together though). Sometimes I sneak spoonfuls of peanut butter and nutella when my kids aren't looking. I also love pretty much anything that someone else cooks for me.
3. I played the oboe in high school and college, but have only touched it a handful of time since I've been a mom for the last nine years.
4. I attempt to play the organ with the pedals for church every week. Some hymns sound ok, some sound a little rough. It's getting easier.
5. I got married when I was 19. To my defense, I had completed two years of college and I turned 20 four days after my birthday.
6. If I sit on the couch after 9 pm, I fall asleep within a few minutes of sitting down. This is why I try not to sit down before I go to bed. I haven't stayed awake during a whole movie (while sitting on the couch) for at least a year and a half (since I was pregnant with my last baby).
7. I hate putting things away: groceries, clean clothes, papers, etc. I'd rather make cookies instead.
8. I'm a little afraid of bears. However, bears love my garbage during the fall. I'm just afraid that I'll run into one while I'm hiking with my kids.
9. I like to run and go to the gym (especially to the Insanity class that I go to). I'd like to be able to keep running as fast as my 7 year old, but he's pretty fast!
10. I've eaten oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar for breakfast almost every day for the last year. And I don't really even like oatmeal or raisins, but they're growing on me.
All righty...there you go. 10 things about Jenny.
That's all for now. Have a great day!
This reminds me of the tagging craze of my early blogging days in 2008 and 2009.
Instead of posting things about myself on facebook, I thought I'd share with you lovely readers a few random things about myself.
So, here you go...10 things you may (or may not) know about Jenny.
1. I don't like raspberries, cherries, hardboiled eggs, or shrimp. That's why you won't find any recipes with these ingredients in it on my blog (except for raspberry freezer jam that I make for the boys in my family. They have been known to lick it off of the knife.)
2. I love avocados, chocolate, and peanut butter (not all three together though). Sometimes I sneak spoonfuls of peanut butter and nutella when my kids aren't looking. I also love pretty much anything that someone else cooks for me.
3. I played the oboe in high school and college, but have only touched it a handful of time since I've been a mom for the last nine years.
4. I attempt to play the organ with the pedals for church every week. Some hymns sound ok, some sound a little rough. It's getting easier.
5. I got married when I was 19. To my defense, I had completed two years of college and I turned 20 four days after my birthday.
6. If I sit on the couch after 9 pm, I fall asleep within a few minutes of sitting down. This is why I try not to sit down before I go to bed. I haven't stayed awake during a whole movie (while sitting on the couch) for at least a year and a half (since I was pregnant with my last baby).
7. I hate putting things away: groceries, clean clothes, papers, etc. I'd rather make cookies instead.
8. I'm a little afraid of bears. However, bears love my garbage during the fall. I'm just afraid that I'll run into one while I'm hiking with my kids.
9. I like to run and go to the gym (especially to the Insanity class that I go to). I'd like to be able to keep running as fast as my 7 year old, but he's pretty fast!
10. I've eaten oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar for breakfast almost every day for the last year. And I don't really even like oatmeal or raisins, but they're growing on me.
All righty...there you go. 10 things about Jenny.
That's all for now. Have a great day!