Hi friends! It's Friday! Aren't you so glad?
Here's a few things that I've been thinking about today. Maybe I'll get more done after I blog about them.
I'm loving the cooler fall weather. My kids rode their bikes to school today. It's two miles away, up a big hill and down a big hill. I ran pushing the baby in the jogger, trying to keep up. They're fast! I appreciated the cool air!
I sent my kids off to school this morning with this song stuck in my head. I showed it to my kids a while ago and they love it. I'm hoping that they were "brave" today... each of them for different reasons.
I'm almost ready for the my booth at the community preparedness fair tomorrow. I made a ton of granola bars this morning to give out as samples. I finally finished my handouts and signs. I'm wondering why I'm always doing things at the last minute when I have a month to prepare for things. Maybe having four kids is the answer to that.
Anyway...thanks to my sweet friend, Julia, who is helping me with my booth tomorrow. She has a fabulous blog, neighborjulia.com with tons of yummy recipes. Julia makes delicious food and throws some pretty fun parties too!
I was SO excited yesterday when I was digging in my freezer and found a bag of shredded roast and some pita pockets. We're totally having french dip pitas tonight! So easy and fast. Maybe we'll take them to my son's soccer game.
Anyway...that's all for now. I've decided that the "running-around-like-crazy-and-still-not-accomplishing-much" feeling that I have probably won't go away for at least five years when my little baby guy goes to kindergarten. So, until then, I'll keep looking through my dirty windows and around my piles of laundry and enjoy my time with my sweet family who keeps me busy.
Have a happy Friday!
Oh, and for those of you that can't make it to the preparedness fair, look for the granola bar recipe and copies of my handout on my blog next week. Or maybe the next week. :)
Here's a few things that I've been thinking about today. Maybe I'll get more done after I blog about them.
I'm loving the cooler fall weather. My kids rode their bikes to school today. It's two miles away, up a big hill and down a big hill. I ran pushing the baby in the jogger, trying to keep up. They're fast! I appreciated the cool air!
I sent my kids off to school this morning with this song stuck in my head. I showed it to my kids a while ago and they love it. I'm hoping that they were "brave" today... each of them for different reasons.
I'm almost ready for the my booth at the community preparedness fair tomorrow. I made a ton of granola bars this morning to give out as samples. I finally finished my handouts and signs. I'm wondering why I'm always doing things at the last minute when I have a month to prepare for things. Maybe having four kids is the answer to that.
Anyway...thanks to my sweet friend, Julia, who is helping me with my booth tomorrow. She has a fabulous blog, neighborjulia.com with tons of yummy recipes. Julia makes delicious food and throws some pretty fun parties too!

Anyway...that's all for now. I've decided that the "running-around-like-crazy-and-still-not-accomplishing-much" feeling that I have probably won't go away for at least five years when my little baby guy goes to kindergarten. So, until then, I'll keep looking through my dirty windows and around my piles of laundry and enjoy my time with my sweet family who keeps me busy.
Have a happy Friday!
Oh, and for those of you that can't make it to the preparedness fair, look for the granola bar recipe and copies of my handout on my blog next week. Or maybe the next week. :)