Today we picked the first of our zucchini and bell peppers. I had to replant the zucchini three times and am happy that it finally grew. We planted a garden for the first time in our 11 years of being married. I've loved watching it grow. Hopefully it will produce much more.
However all of our beans, peas, cucumbers and onions were eaten by a squirrel while we were on a three day trip. I was very disappointed when I found that half of the garden had been nibbled down to nothing. We have a fence around the garden that kept the deer and rabbits out, but it doesn't do much for squirrels.
My kids start school on Wednesday, so we celebrated their second to last day of summer vacation canning peaches. I don't think they actually celebrated it with me, but I'm sure we'll enjoy the peaches in February when it's cold. It was my first time canning peaches, so hopefully I did it right.
Now onto menu time...Monday: teriyaki burgers, baked french fries, zucchini (from the garden) and fresh peach pie
Tuesday: tinfoil dinners (using our fresh from the garden green bell pepper)
Wednesday: easy
Thursday: pizza
Friday: Navajo tacos
Saturday: grilled marinated chicken (marinated in the freezer), whole wheat couscous, veggies
Sunday: pasta of some kind
All right, that's what I'm making this week. Feel free to post your menu plans in the comment section. I've tested of my facebook page, so don't forget to "like" it!