Look at my pretty applesauce that I made a little while ago. I'd never made applesauce by myself before (only w/my sis-in-law and mother-in-law), so I took a day and made a big mess of my kitchen and made 23 quarts of applesauce. I love how each bottle is a different color. I can't wait to eat it!
I don't know if you noticed or not that I didn't post my menus last week. I was going to do it several different times, but it got really, super busy. The week started out with my in-laws visiting, then it overlapped with me taking a last minute trip to UT by myself to go to my grandma's funeral, and that trip overlapped with my hubby being gone for a few days traveling for work. I'm finally getting on top of all the cleaning, laundry, dishes and piles of papers that collected during the week.
This week looks like it'll be a busy one, but at least my whole family will be home together.
Monday: spicy honey chicken on salad w/baked tortilla strips
Tuesday: homemade bread, turkey, guacamole, provolone sandwiches
Wednesday: homemade pizza
Thursday: waikiki meatballs w/rice
Friday: slow cooker tamale pie
Saturday: ward trunk or treat and potluck chili/cornbread dinner (taking white chili)
Sunday: cube steak w/rice
That's what I'm making thiw week. What's on your menu this week?